how to raise your vibrations instantly
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Life-Changing Tips On How To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

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Wanting to know life-changing tips on how to raise your vibration instantly? Remember the last time you felt a sudden lift in your energy or mood and how it changed your whole day? In this blog post, you’ll learn how to overcome low energy and 6 quick and easy practices to raise your vibrations.

how to raise your vibration instantly

You might have experienced a moment of love or joy that felt like a physical lightness had come over you? When you raise your vibrations, these are the kind of feelings you may experience.

Everything in the Universe vibrates at its own unique frequency. This includes the planets, stars, asteroids, moons, you, your dog, the plants, and everything else you can observe in this vast cosmos. If you think about it, we are all like strings on a guitar, vibrating at a specific frequency and creating a cosmic symphony of sorts. We are all energy in different forms, and our main goal is to be happy, which will raise our energic vibration while passing it on to others around us. So when you’re happy and feeling good from the inside, you also raise the vibration in the Universe.

This post is all about how to raise your vibrations instantly.

100 ways to raise your vibration

The Best Tips On How To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

Overcoming Low Vibrational Energy

The amazing thing about us humans, is that we can control our vibrational energy! Since we are conscious (and intelligent) beings, we can do something to raise our vibrations when we are feeling low. This is important because your vibrational state dictates what you attract into your life. And since the down phases of life are unavoidable, we need to find ways to overcome low vibrational energy to enhance our experience of life. To that end, let’s look at some really effective methods.

1. Start self-observing

A lot of the time, your actions can be on autopilot. So, when something bad happens, you might react impulsively. You might also start experiencing negative emotions. In situations like these, it is better to start self-observing as soon as you get the chance. Grab a journal if it’s easier to write down how you feel. I have a whole blog post about self-reflection journaling, access it by pressing here. You could ask yourself the following questions to gain some clarity and stop feeling low:

-Why did I react this way? Was it justified?

-How am I feeling in this moment?

-Can I take a different perspective on this situation?

-Can I let this go?

-Is this how I want to feel?

-What can I do to raise my vibration at this moment?

how to raise your vibration book

2. Meditate Regularly

Meditation is one of the most powerful and effective ways to raise your vibration. It almost seems like it was tailor-made for this purpose. When you meditate, the energy system in your body starts to cleanse itself. Also, you start vibrating at a higher frequency. Not only that, your aura removes any negative energies you might have been holding to. You also start feeling a connection with a higher power. This is the perfect method to overcome low vibrational energy.

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3. Spend Time With Positive People

When you spend time with positive people, their high vibrational energy can rub off on you. Literally! As you may know, things in our Universe like to move from an area of high concentration to a low concentration. So, when you are surrounded by energetic people, you literally feed off of their high energy, which raises vibration. Don’t worry, that doesn’t harm them in any way. When they are in a higher state, they essentially have an endless supply of energy from the Universe.

4. Commit To Feeling Good

At any given moment in time, you can make a conscious choice to feel better. You might not feel like it, but you have a choice nonetheless. For example, if someone was rude to you at a coffee shop, you might feel bad for hours. But you can decide not to feel that way. You can decide to watch your favorite movies and shows, listen to groovy music, talk to your best friend, or spend time amidst mother nature. All these things can help you overcome your low vibrational state instantly.

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Below is a list of 6 quick and easy practices to raise your vibrations

High vibrations are associated with feelings of personal power, peace, love and joy. So how do we incorporate more magical moments and experiences into our lives?

1. Dance, To start us off, dance!

I know that sounds ridiculously simple, but it’s true! All you need to do to raise your vibrational energy is dance! The simple act of moving your body will raise your vibrational energy! Dancing is a surefire way to get the blood pumping, boost oxygen flow, and increase your positive energy! Dancing has been shown to boost memory and cognitive ability, along with lowering depression. Lower depression just by dancing, yep, you heard that right! Ok, I know this sounds like an ad paid for by your local dance studio LOL! But really, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so go for it! Put on your favorite album and start moving!

2. Nature, Get out in nature!

Being in nature allows us to disconnect from our modern world and be more present. It can help us center ourselves and overcome our daily challenges with more grace and humility. You will notice a theme with many items on this list! They all help us lower stress, increase energy, increase creativity and overall live a better and more balanced life. So get out in that park, those woods, wherever you can! You will raise your vibrational energy while being in a better place to tackle your dreams and ambitions. Try it! Get in nature every day for a week and watch the benefits happen in real time!

what happens when you raise your vibration

3. Eat Clean/Organic Foods.

Trying to eat more clean/organic foods is a great way to keep the positive energy flowing! The less pesticides and chemicals we come in contact with, the better! I know it can be challenging and expensive (arghh!!), but start small and work on it little by little!

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4. Unplug, Disconnect from all the tech in your life!

This can go hand in hand with getting more nature in your life, or it can simply mean leaving your phone at home for a few hours a day. We know it’s hard, especially nowadays, but try to unplug for a little bit every day! The benefits are numerous, and it will get easier!

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5. Breathwork baby!

Try to include some intentional breathing into your day. This one is cool because it literally only takes a few moments to get the benefits of breathwork! You can be more present in just two minutes, get more in tune with your body, and lower stress! ( who wouldn’t want that).

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6. Be kind to a stranger.

Today, more than ever, people are disconnected from each other in ways that all previous generations have not experienced. People are so caught up in their own bubble so that they rarely have time to help others or even notice the people around them! Let’s try to change that while raising our vibrational energy and happiness. It is proven that just one simple, random act of kindness can have fantastic health and well-being benefits for you! It might be hard at first but go for it! A few nice words or lending a hand to a stranger in need will brighten both of your days! Give it a try!

This simple act of helping a stranger will instantly raise your vibrations, lower your stress and leave you in a better mood for the rest of the day. If you start doing this every day, your life will improve in ways you never thought possible. We are all the main characters in our own movies, why not make the most of it by becoming the greatest version of ourselves in all fields.

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The key to implementing these actions in your daily routine is to JUST START!

There are many more ways to raise your vibrations out there (tons more!), but I wanted to focus on these specific 6 because they are easy to start and follow through with. They will snowball and become easier the more you do them! Give it a try Today!

It’s also important to remember that you are not your thoughts and that there will also be bad days, and that’s OK.So I hope you found this blog post helpful and that you learned more about how energy works and how to overcome low vibrational energy.

This Post Was All About How To Raise Your Vibrations Instantly.

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